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The Himalayan Monal Pheasant or Impeyan Pheasant prefer cool upper temperate oak-conifer forests interspersed with open grassy slopes, cliffs and alpine meadows mostly at 9,000 to 10,000 ft elevations. They seem to exhibit clear and fluctuating altitudinal migration moving down as low as 6,500 feet in winter and up to 16,000 feet in the summer. These pheasants exhibit great tolerance to snow and are often seen digging in it foraging for food. With that being said, they need to be kept out of extreme heat.


These pheasants are amongst the most beautiful pheasants due to their striking metallic-colored plumage. The male’s impressive display features bowing and vigorous waving of the rufous tail, but it is the iridescent plumage on the wings and neck that give the bird its reputation as the "nine-colored bird" consisting of interspersing mix of metallic colors of green, purple, red and blue.The adult male has a long, metallic-green crest, much like a peacock, changeable reddish copper on the back and sides of the neck and a prominent white back and rump while in flight. The tail feathers are uniformly rufous being darker towards the tips.


Based on the Impeyans Pheasant strong association with local folklore, this pheasant has been declared the national bird of Nepal and the state bird of Uttaranchal and Himachal in India.


Impeyan Pheasant

SKU: 0016
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